Ausgewählte Keynotes

6. Juni 2013: “Technology Life Style”, APPS Conference, Wien

10. - 12. Mai 2013: “The Innovation Chain:  Case Study Softwarepark Hagenberg”, JHI EMEA Conference - World of Business,  Wien

5. Mai 2013: Alan Mekler Memorial Lecture “Automated Algorithm Synthesis: Case Study Gröbner Bases”, Simon Frazier University, Vancouver, Canada

15. - 16. April 2013: “IT-Science Based Economy:  Case Study JKU Softwarepark in Austria”, Gaza Universität, Palästina

3.- 6. März 2013: „The Role of Mathematical Thinking for 21st Century Society“, Königliche Universität Phnom Penh, Kambodscha

11. - 13. Feber 2013: “Artificial Un-Intelligence by Natural Intelligence: Case Study Automated Algorithm Synthesis”, The 12th IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AIA), Kongresshaus Innsbruck

30. Jänner 2013: “Spannung Ja Danke”, IBM Jahrestagung, Wien

12. - 16. Dezember 2012: “Can Mathematical Invention Be Automated?”, Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics, Bangkok, Thailand

15. November 2012: “Erfolg Reich Vernetzt”, Tagung “Connecting Research and Markets”, Wien 

12. Juli 2012: “Mathematics is Blind”, 13th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, Johannes Kepler University, Linz